A cancer vulnerability network for functional genomics
Genome wide CRISPR lethality screens show broad variability in cellular fitness phenotypes across cancer. We postulate that genes with overlapping functions should deliver similar responses enabling functional annotation of uncharacterized genes. Here we will build a network connecting genes based on the similarity of their knockout phenotypes, benchmark this network using protein interaction databases and functional transcriptomics, and leverage network analyses to identify mutational and transcriptional modulators of functional complexes.
Selected candidate(s) may receive a stipend directly from the faculty advisor. is This not a guarantee of payment, and the total amount is subject to available funding.
Faculty Advisor
- Professor: Adolfo Ferrando
- Department/School: Institute for Cancer Genetics
- Location: 1130 St Nicholas Ave ICRC401B
- We use Systems Biology, Genomics, Biochemistry and mouse genetics platforms to elucidate new oncogenic drivers and therapies in human leukemia.
Project Timeline
- Earliest starting date: 3/1/2021
- End date: 8/31/2021
- Number of hours per week of research expected during Spring 2021: ~10
- Number of hours per week of research expected during Summer 2021: ~10
Candidate requirements
- Skill sets: Python programming for data analytics and visualization
- Student eligibility: freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, master’s
- International students on F1 or J1 visa: eligible
- Academic Credit Possible: No