This project builds on a novel cellular model of human aging (Sturm et al. Epigenomics 2019) where we can investigate trajectories of multiple molecular features of aging over long time periods. The underlying multi-omic dataset includes epigenomic (DNA methylation), proteomic (protein abundance), bioenergetics (mitochondrial respiration), telomere length, and various secreted factors. A major challenge for the DSI Fellow will be to integrate the multi-omic dataset to capture dynamic signatures of mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular aging, working collaboratively with other scientists. The existing project is expected to result in one or more publications. Possibility to continue work for pay over the summer.

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Columbia Data Science Institute (DSI) Scholars Program

The DSI Scholars Program is to engage and support undergraduate and master students in participating data science related research with Columbia faculty. The program’s unique enrichment activities will foster a learning and collaborative community in data science at Columbia.

Columbia University DSI

New York, NY