Our goal is use a large pool of homecare data (including structured data, free text clinical notes, and recorded patient-provider phone conversations) to build predictive models that help identify patients at risk for poor outcomes (like hospital admission or falls).

One selected candidate will receive a stipend via the DSI Scholars program. Amount is subject to available funding.

Faculty Advisor

  • Professor Max Topaz
  • Department/School: School of Nursing/CUMC
  • Location: CUMC
  • Professor Topaz works on multiple projects that use latest data science approaches to promote human health.

Project timeline

  • Earliest starting date: 03/20/2019
  • End date: 05/20/2019
  • Number of hours per week of research expected during Spring 2019: ~8

Candidate requirements

  • Skill sets: Basic understanding of analytical approaches, basic excel or R skills.
  • Student eligibility (as of Spring 2019): freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, master’s
  • International students on F1 or J1 visa: eligible