This project works with a novel corpus of text-based school data to develop a multi-dimensional measure of the degree to which American colleges and universities offer a liberal arts education. We seek a data scientist for various tasks on a project that uses analysis of multiple text corpora to better understand the liberal arts. This is an ongoing three-year project with opportunities for future collaborations, academic publications, and developing and improving existing data science and machine learning skills.

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In a globalized world we live in today consequences of catastrophic events easily transgress national borders. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a war or an economic crisis it’s likely to spread out and affect all of us. We propose a framework to model global risks that is not bound to any specific model and is a hybrid of human and machine intelligence. The core of this approach is in using Bayesian Nets of causalities constructed by an analyst equipped with text mining and a map of economic, political and business interconnections.

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Despite the promise of predictive analytics in healthcare, the lack of continuous internal sensing devices has impeded its realization. With the exception of CGMs, no current commercially available wearable devices yield information intimate to the body. To overcome this deficiency, our research group has developed a minimally invasive wearable device capable of continuous monitoring of glucose and electrolytes in the superficial layer of the skin in an extremely minimally invasive manner.

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Columbia Data Science Institute (DSI) Scholars Program

The DSI Scholars Program is to engage and support undergraduate and master students in participating data science related research with Columbia faculty. The program’s unique enrichment activities will foster a learning and collaborative community in data science at Columbia.

Columbia University DSI

New York, NY